Kanury Rao – India unlocks TB germ secrets

“It’s rare that, in India, we’re the first to do something. This time, we were,” says Kanury Rao , 51, who leads the immunology group at ICGEB. Together with colleague Dhiraj Kumar, Rao led the 20-member team that did the lab research. ICGEB also partnered with scientists at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi. In a landmark study that could provide new pathways for tuberculosis (TB) therapy, Indian scientists have unlocked the secret formula that the TB bacterium uses to survive inside the human body. Anika Gupta reports. In a landmark study that could provide new pathways for Tuberculosis (TB) therapy, Indian scientists have unlocked the secret formula that the TB bacterium uses to survive inside the human body. The results could be used to create a novel TB therapy, one that isn’t antibiotics-based and could be a valuable tool in the fight against antibiotic-resistant TB. The study, led by researchers at the International Centre for Genetic Engineer...