What are the Different Forms of Cell Signalling?

Cell signaling is a process of communication. This process can be of different types. Among its main types, paracrine signaling, autocrine signaling, and endocrine signaling are included. The immunologist, Kanury Rao , has said that these types or forms of signaling help in the communication of cells but certain differences are present. Kanury Rao is one of the best Immunologist who has explained about the different forms of cell Signalling, Kanury Rao is an award winning immunologist and has dedicated a lot in Science Field for India. As you read more, you will be able to identify what these differences are and how they initiate communication among the cells. 1. Paracrine Signaling When cells communicate, a chemical messenger is produced in order to do so. These messengers can be understood as ligands. They help in diffusing with the availability of space among the cells within a body. These cells lie close to each other. Thus, these messengers are able to help in initiat...