Dr. Kanury Rao Launches a book – At The Doorstep To Moksha

Dr. Kanury Rao , an eminent Indian scientist recently ventured into the world of literature where he launched a book, At The Dorsteps of Moksha . The book is a light-hearted attempt to establish a difference between two contrasting ideas. Authored by Dr. Kanury Rao , it perfectly describes the word Moksha by a fictional story. At The Doorstep To Moksha perfectly focuses on human society and it’s emotional action upholding past and standing alone beholding like “ghettos”. The concept, the structure, the storyline of the book have been aptly laid by Dr. Kanury Rao . The book isn't preachy and does not feel subjective. By weaving in the story of Gururaj and some defining moments and people in his life the topic breathes life. The entire book follows a more conversational form of storytelling and this makes it an easy read despite the topic being heavy (showing instead of telling). The descriptions are very vivid and make it feel like it's happening ...